A few weeks back, I mentioned an innovative project by one of WMG’s authors, Dean Wesley Smith.

If you just said, “which one?,” you’re paying attention! We pride ourselves in coming up with innovative concepts around here. So, to answer the question, I mean Dean’s subscription book challenge.

The second batch of books has been packed up and is off to the subscribers. The response by the readers has been wonderful. Standalone short fiction—in print form—isn’t exactly abundant, and the print subscribers say they really enjoy having the books in that form.

We agree. Although the economics of printing standalone short fiction don’t offer much in the way of profit, by packaging them in a subscription format, it makes both financial sense for us and value sense for the readers.

This month, for example, we sent out eight books to our print subscribers, who pay $25 a month. That’s eight signed books. Plus a code for a free ebook at the back of the print version. There will always be at least six books plus bonus materials and as many as ten or more some months.

That’s a heck of a deal, and a great way to enjoy the work of one of the most renowned short fiction writers in the business.

If you’d like to read more about Dean’s writing challenge in his own words, check out his website at www.deanwesleysmith.com.

And here’s a sampling of this month’s offerings:

You can still subscribe if you’re interested. Just send an email to publisher@wmgpublishing.com.

Happy reading!

Allyson Longueira is publisher of WMG Publishing. She is an award-winning writer, editor and designer.