Jury Duty ebook cover

Have you ever had the experience of trying to say or write something you didn’t believe?

Not a fib or a delicate shading of the truth, but a full-blown, send-you-to-brimstone-if-such-a-thing-ever-escaped your-sweet-lips kind of lie?

Yeah, don’t answer that one. It’s safer that way.

But keep it in mind while you listen to “Jury Duty” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. It’s our story podcast this week, and it’s from her collection, Five Female Sleuths.

A story about lies and the truths that are sometimes trickier than falsehoods.


This podcast is no longer available. To listen to the current podcast, please click here.

“Jury Duty is included in the collection, Five Female Sleuths,  available in ebook and trade paperback, and can also be found as a stand alone story  in ebook format at your favorite retailer.